* Strengthens the construction of feathers.
* Whenever there's a decrease in appetite or indigestion.
* For exhibitions and displays .
Muta-vit - supplement for birds, on the basis of 14 vitamins and amino acids that contribute to improvement in the growth of feathers. Contains sulfuric amino acids such as methionine, (which is most essential to the formation of feathers) and biotin (vitamin H) protects the liver function. It is therefore important to use Muta-vit after using medication, to support and return liver function back to normal.
Sulfuric acid also plays an important role in cell and down (feathers) regeneration. Biotin is essential for the metabolism when changing chemicals in the living cells by helping the fats and proteins be absorbed into the body, as well as contributing to fertility and more successful reproduction outcomes.
Use when:
Laying period: to strengthen the construction of the feathers - three times a week.
Before exhibitions for four consecutive days before the show.
After antibiotic medication or other: for 5 consecutive days.
If you notice a decrease in appetite or indigestion (low metabolism) - for one whole week.
Recommended dosage:
1 flat measuring spoon (1 g) in 250 ml drinking water (tap) or 100 g soft food.
Instructions for use:
When using this product, keep away from bowl of bathing water.
Better to use in the morning, replace fresh water every day.
Place the water in direct sunlight.
Contains amino acids and vitamins: A, D3, E, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, C, K, sulfuric acid:
Biotin-mail, methionine, to lysine, zinc, manganese, copper, iron, cobalt